To play an magical set in front of an big crowd, was one of the things Frederic had scheduled for himself in the early times in his career. From the point of now, he can look back on serveral playtimes in awesome venues from Berlin to Munich.
But it is not only the venue and the gear what make an night with him very special, the important thing for him is, to catch the vibe of the crowd after the first minutes to adjust the music to get them into an ecstasy till the end of his set, what you can feel the next day, too.
Since the idea and first steps of the Dj-Projekt „Frederic Stunkel“ was born on an private afterhour, he starts to find the rigth setup to transport his music style. That could be divine somewhere between influences from Ibiza to Berlin, with an not to short break in the underground techno sound from Frankfurt.
+ Frederic Stunkel
+ Sky Lehmann
+ Dan He
+ Joshua Meister
Abendkasse: tba
Mit Gästelisten-Anmeldung: Bis 1 Uhr 3 € Eintritt