On March 3, 1873, the US Congress enacted the Comstock Law, making it illegal to send any “obscene, lewd, or lascivious” books through the mail. / The internal organs of the emperor were placed in a gold-plated copper pot that was buried on the left side of the high altar. / He claimed the leaks are absolutely real but the news is fake. / Ooo coo ooo coo coo. Don't forget your mittens. / CRATO
It was a bright cold day in March, and the clocks were striking thirteen. / The heart of the emperor was placed in a precious box put back in his body inside the coffin. / Sales of the book Nineteen Eighty-Four had increased by 9,500 %, becoming the number one best seller on xxxxx.com. / Ooo coo ooo coo coo it's cold outside. / OLDSPEAK
Advances in robotics these days were tremendous. / Imagine that, one day, an unfortunate set of events causes your self-driving car to head toward a crowd of 10 people crossing the road. It cannot stop in time but it can avoid killing 10 people by steering into a wall. / Running like a fine tuned machine. / Big Science. Hallelujah. / LINDA HAVENSTEIN
The little dots that marked the position formed a rough circle about the red cross of the selenium pool. / YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI
You know, I think we should put some mountains here. Otherwise, what are the characters going to fall off of? / CARLY FISCHER
Hey, Professor! Could you turn out the lights? Let's roll the film. / MIEKO SUZUKI & ARA
Let's go KOOKOO!
Music by:
+ CRATO (Magazine) //
+ Oldspeak (Average Negative) //
+ mieko suzuki (Kookoo) //
+ ARA (Kookoo) //
Art from:
+ LINDA HAVENSTEIN (video installation) //
+ YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI (stop motion video) //
+ CARLY FISCHER (sculpture & photography) //
Abendkasse: 7€