Those in the know try to stay one step ahead of the game. How to cope with such magnitudes of so-called information? The ones who try to stand still in these swelling tides will be pulled down by the undertow. Zooming in and out, from macro to micro, can offer a means with which to relate. Or is it merely a deceptive comfort that comes with a false sense of understanding? Perhaps it is better simply to be dazzled by the over-saturated colors, and the microsecond flashes generating pixelated freeze-frame souvenirs that dissolve before there is even time to process them. There is beauty here. The devil is in the detail. The real danger is lurking where you least expect it. This no-man’s-land between R&B, techno, turntablism, grime, and house is a sonic manifestation of future shock. With style.
Floor 1:
Hudson Mohawke
Lando Kal
Visuals: U-matic & Telematique
Floor 2:
Antoni Maiovvi
Loud E
Dompteur Mooner