Unreached galaxies, alien beings, the infinit and suspicious depths of the universe.
Fascinating and frightening at the same time, we want to take you on a journey to a place, where the answers to all the big questions seem to be found.
Between chaos and order (or what we humans call life) we fuel our spaceships, lead the most capable pilots to the cockpit and log the Kosmonaut as our destination.
Groundcontrol, we are ready for take off.
+ Township Rebellion - [Stil vor Talent I Moonbootique]
+ Talul - [Seelensauna I Parquet Recordings]
+ Baal - [Musica Autonomica I Ritter Butzke]
+ Kaiser Souzai - [Ballroom Records]
+ Pascale Voltaire - [Berlin ist Techno]
+ Eugen Haupt - [Independent]
+ Lukas Meunier- [Suspekt Records]
+ Anton Johnsen - [Suspekt Records]
+ Thomas Maschitzke - [Suspekt Records]
+ dunkel.bunt - [Tanz aus der Reihe]
Tickets: ab 8€