Among the many decorative items and theme park facilities in Birgit you will not find a pirate ship. However, at some point in every single night, you can be sure that at least one or two captains will stand up and start pushing the carousel between the Rummel and the Werkstatt floors. Such are the Birgit pirates: playful, non-violet, silly and slightly drunk. In the vast Kreuzberger playground, the role of a pirate is up for grabs: this is exactly the place for you to wonder back to your childhood, when all games were as they should be: harmless and forgiving.
Adding to the playful theme a superb musical program as always, there are very few reasons left for you to stay away from Birgit this weekend. Ahoy captain, the carousel awaits your orders!
Boy Next Door
Mike Book
Martin Ka
Dario (DE)
Abendkasse: tba