Many talk about Berlin's club scene an some kind of an utopia: a place where one can really live the moment, where the pressure of going home and prepare for another exhausting week of work does not exist, an island where one can hear 30 languages spoken by thousands of completely different types of people, and yet: it's all peaceful.
There's one place in particularly, in diversity, multiculturalism and openness reigns the vibe:
welcome to Planet Birgit: the place where adults can still play, where smiles do not cost and where aggression is never an option. To get there, there's no need for any special gear or an expensive tour to nasa. Come as you are, and let the inhabitants show you the way.
René Bourgeois
Viktor Talking Machine
Marc Poppcke
Markus Klee
Andi de Luxe
Tickets: ab 10€