The documentary film „Straßensamurai“ (Street Samurai) takes an intimate look into the lives of an unexpected kind of bouncer; one that follows a unique codex similar to that of the samurai Japan in the Middle Ages. We follow a such a group, one with a deep loyalty to employers and colleagues, and a sacred respect for even their opponents.
The bouncers in this film are a group of people working to realize dreams and striving for a life that is free from social norms and conventions. They have decided to go their own way, establishing their own principles and values: ones they practice through their work.
But it is not all positive: “Straßensamurai” also explores the loneliness of the city at night, following bouncers home to their daily lives. Strained relationships, struggles balancing work and family, all tributes paid to their own definition of freedom.
Oli DasKnie Schmidt
Cengiz Ronin
Boris Methner
Philip Bender
Regie: Samer Halabi Cabezon