Under this motto, Sea-Watch has been successfully setting sail since 2015 and has been involved in the rescue of over 38,000 people. True to the same motto, it also took them into the skies over the Mediterranean at the beginning of 2017, where they have been coordinating rescue operations with the Moonbird and documenting the European failure.
At the end of 2017 the time had come for us. A friend and machinist from the Sea-Watch 3 answered the question whether after seven years of MSNT we could not also collect money for Sea-Watch. We wanted it, we started and here we are. At the beginning of our third solo tour. Why?
Because we do not accept the deadly European foreclosure and asylum policy, in which Germany is heavily involved. Because we feel obliged to act in solidarity, which is consequently also anti-fascist, and are convinced that it works best where we talk about grievances as well as possibilities - and bring our strengths together. In short: anti-fascist solidarity is public relations and manual work.
Since the second Solitour, we have also been doing this for selected initiatives from the respective cities, so this time too, starting at 9 p.m., we invite you to get to know solidarity initiatives from your city and to talk to them and Sea-Watch about self-empowerment. But that's not all: Afterwards we combine the celebration of the beautiful life the way we like it with the financial help of others. So come numerous!
+ Anselmus
+ Bonnie Ford + Ohdus
+ one light among many * light
+ Electric Indigo
+ Elliver
+ GiZ
+ Grizzly
+ Jonny + <3
+ Judith van Waterkant
+ Lotta Lumière * live light
+ Nɨxe
+ Padouc * live
+ Saphear * live
+ Tata 2000 * liveband
Box office: tba